Hong Kong business story: Handmade polymer clay earrings with an indian touch

polymer clay earrings hong kong

Check out our behind the brand story on handmade polymer clay earrings in Hong Kong and other accessories

Tell us about your business! What inspired you?

“My name is Aditi and I’m the maker behind Roché Blanche. A side hobby that started in late 2020 out of a need for a creative outlet during the unfortunate pandemic situation.
Roché Blanche brings you one of the finest collection of handmade jewellery and accessories curated with immense love and care with polymer clay.

All of our pieces are made by hand from start to finish in Hong Kong. From pieces that are great for everyday wear to pieces that stand out from the crowd and make a statement.

Roché Blanche is all about simple pieces which will be treasured and will become embroidered into the lives & stories of the people who wear them.

I believe that the hands on approach gives each piece an individuality. From making the initial design to hand finishing, each process helps to define every piece and make it unique.
Apart from this I also wanted to address one major problem that made me start – Love for earrings but sensitive lobes. So the earrings I create perfectly solve this issue as they are extremely lightweight and comfortable to wear for longer hours.”

roche blance

What's the biggest challenge you faced so far?

“I guess I’ve enjoyed each and every phase of my business so far and I love seeing it grow each day. But being an entrepreneur is definitely not that easy. You face some or the other challenging situation along the way. 

My biggest obstacle so far has been the language barrier. As much as I love holding up pop-ups in different corners of Hong Kong, but I guess at times it gets difficult for me to connect with my audience & customers because of me not being able to interact in the local dialect. For me it’s not just about selling my products but also about how well my customers understand the emotions behind it. After all, it’s very important for them to know what they’re investing in.”

What's something important you've learnt/changed about the business?

“I think what I’ve learnt so far is that it’s very important to measure everything you do and track the results. When I first started I wasn’t very regular with it but with time I’ve changed it, and now I make sure I measure everything in order to learn what all activities are paying off. “

Yes! It's so important to track results and analyze the effects after

Can you let us know how you stand out from competitors?

“I think people who are making polymer clay jewelry in HK are doing a tremendous job and I don’t see them as competitors because everyone’s work is unique in their own way. 

"It's a large community and I believe growth happens when you support each other."

But one minute thing I would like to highlight here is that since I come from India, I try to bring that touch into my pieces. Be it the color scheme, silhouettes or any other tiny detail possible. I guess that makes Roché Blanche different than the rest.”

Thanks for sharing your uniqueness! Do you have one tip you can give us?

Focus on the purpose behind your business. In a world of “whats,” be a “why.” In other words, instead of focusing on your products or services, focus on your purpose. Why am I starting this business? What needs can I address? What problems may I solve? When you start with the “why” question, you streamline your entire process. 

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